Business Case


An Automotive testing and Engineering tier-1 company needed a solution for their printed circuit boards. They develop printed circuit boards for various clients in the automotive sector and have to ensure testing compliance and uniformity. The need for loading customer deliverable parameters for testing based on unit under test and rapid turn around time was paramount to the client..

This ‘End Of Line’ testing solution was to be interfaced with decision making algorithm upstream for production control.

Our Company


Understanding the product testing parameters, with expected cycle time was crucial and required over 30 hours of discussion with the domain expertise team to correctly map their requirements into the design solution. Very often the testing of these systems is integrated with a traceability solution that identifies rejection response and helps to control and optimise the performance of the assembly line.

The team consolidated a strategy, identifying the optimal architecture and database design for optimal cycle time with reliable and standard equipment’s to measure nearly 1000 parameters in one printed circuit board.


Ceryletech is glad to have implemented a solution that gives exceptional results. The required accuracy and cycle time were delivered . A Feasa analyser was used to measure Intensity, Cx and Cy parameters which were required by the testing strategy.


cDAQ and LabVIEW based End of Line solution was delivered and tested. The client was extremely satisfied with the delivery product and this has resulted in about seven repeat orders with varying design parameters.
All solutions have been executed and we continue to support Varroc Engineering with all their testing and automation requirements

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